Our Priorities

What we put priority on


1. Use safe, naturally-grown ingredients

We partner with farmers who grow herbs either as non-chemical, organic or in the wild crafting way. They are proud of their products, respect nature and pursue Cambodian agriculture conservation.


2. Apply hand-picking and sun-drying in a hygienic manner

Mass-production is not our way. All products are carefully hand-picked by the farmers. We provide hands-on training to them in order to keep standardized hygienic processing methods.


3. Maintain high standard packaging design

All packages are designed by professionals. High quality Cambodian products packed in international standard packaging.


4. Priority on fair trading with Cambodian partners

We partner with Cambodian farmers. We would like to support them to improve their lives, and help them realise a brighter future. By implementing fair trade, we believe we are taking a part in this.


5. Promote School Herbal Garden Project

Planting green and flower plants is recommended by Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.
We introduce herbal plants which are suitable to grow in school environment. Together with that, we also introduce how to make school environment clean.
The final step is to sun-dry herbs at school and this can bring some supplemental income for school operation.